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oscar dojo vision

oscar dojo visionOscar Silvera, Sensei is the Dojo’s Hombu Cho (Headquarters Director) and Chief Instructor in Karate of the International Budo Ryokukai in Michigan. A direct student of Katzumi Niikura, Sensei; 8th Dan in Karate & 5th Dan in Aikido, founder of the International Budo Ryokukai.  

Silvera, Sensei had started training in a variety of Martial Arts; such as Iaido, Aikido, Taekwondo, Judo, Kudo, Kobudo, Krav Maga, Tai chi, Kickboxing, Kung fu, and others. His martial arts training started back in 1984 and opened his first dojo in 1988, in Lima-Peru. Currently holds 5th Dan in Shotokan Karate, Black Belt Dan in Iaido, and Tae Kwon Do. Silvera Sensei offers insights into the relationships between various martial arts and the effective training methods found in those arts. He is also a member of the USA Karate-do Federation, the Shinshin Ryu Iajutsu, and the International Budo Ryokukai.

One of his latest awards: was the Japan Karate Shoto Federation Pan American 2010 Kata Champion (Gold Medal) and Kumite Champion (Silver Medal).